Sunday, October 28, 2007

Task #38, #57, and #62...Yes, Updates!

So, there are a couple of tasks on the list that I've already completed:

#38: Create a blog with an actual effort in its design and post list
Okay, this one is an obvious one...but it gave me hell. Took me TWO weeks to get this page up! Why, you ask? Oh, that's just because I'm completely ignorant of basic java script and coding, that's all. But, I'm good now...still learning, but good. Eventually I'll be adding a couple of pictures and possibly some music through podcasting.

#57: Buy a nice digital camera

This is the little guy that I purchased from Circuit City (but in red). The Casio EX-Z75 w/ 7.2 Mega pixels. According to the store and reviews he is supposed to be a pro at what he does, and I'm sure he would be...IF HIS DAMN BATTERY WOULD WORK! Anxious to play with my new toy I earnestly unwrapped the package...albeit a tad disappointed because I had been beckoned to the industrial hell hole for mandatory overtime. So, I threw the battery on its charger and headed to work. Upon my return home, I grabbed the battery and shoved it in the camera (yes, I know, a bit overeager) only to be shocked that the screen remained blank. Like any typical disgruntled customer I jumped in my small, yet impressively fuel efficient Japanese car and angrily drove to Circuit City intent on exchanging the camera (without unloading a barrel of profanities of course). After dealing with a couple of apathetic store associates, I headed home. And guess what?!!!!!! The same thing happened with the new camera!!! Argh, the good news though is that the tech support was surprisingly congenial and had a new battery shipped to my home. Therefore, no beautiful pictures of moi until the middle of next week. Sorry ladies...

#62: Buy a wireless router that actually works

Technology abounds in my household! The old Netgear that I had was complete and utter I switched to the Rangebooster G Router WBR-2310. This baby had some pretty good reviews and so far has been working nicely. Great addition to the family I'd say!

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