Monday, December 31, 2007

The Project: (Courtesy of Meg Pickard):
At the end of every year since 2000, we invite readers to look back on the last twelve months of their lives and reflect on what has been important , defining or constant during that particular year, and then sum their year up in just 24 words.

We believe that embracing the constraint of summing up the last year in a handful of words helps to focus on what really mattered.

Here's my entry for 2007:

Pathetic, dismal beginnings.
Drama never ending, relationships disappointment.
Quit dead-end, financial status improved.
Found direction, back to school, encontrĂ³ el amor mexicana!
C'mon 2008!

That's pretty much the gist of 2007. Let us look forward beyond the horizons to a totally magical life. It's gonna be great!

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